BikeVis Bullets Standard Installation

Started by Fluke, June 09, 2009, 10:28:46 AM

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BikeVis Bullet Installation Guide v1.3

Thank you for purchasing our BikeVis Bullet Kit. The below should only be treated as a guide as we cannot give exact instructions on how to fit to every model of bike.  It is suggested you read whole guide first, preferably while sipping cold beer.

The installation is not that tough, but if you?re not a little mechanically or electrically minded it may be wise to find a friend or even local garage to help you.

Model specific guides will be posted on our Support Forums as they become available, you can also ask for advice along the way if you need it.

If you are feeling generous why not make a little photo or video ?story? of your installation. Post it on our Support Forums preferably so others can see the info, or drop us an email and we can do it for you. 

Though everything you need is in the kit, there are tools and optional parts you might want to use to help you.

-Allen keys / tools to remove bodywork if needed, though you should get away without removing fairing panels.
-A way of joining / splicing the electrical feed to Bullets (solder / snap on splicer)
-Optional bullet style crimps or similar if you want to make it easy to remove fairing panels without disturbing Bullets.
-Optional Inline fuse if you wish to protect just the Bullets, we would suggest around 250mA / 0.25 Amps, though a 1Amp automotive fuse will work and is easier to source.
-Electrical Insulation Tape.
-Cold Beer, we have found this to help in the installation, Carlsberg works best.

1. First of all decide where you are going to mount your Bullets. We would suggest always fitting as far forward on your bike as possible, not only to ensure they are easily seen from the front, but are clear of hot parts of your engine. It also makes wiring much easier.

Example places to fit would be the side of your fairing, or up under a ram air scoop. It?s best to avoid anywhere that is exposed to constant road spray, like the area directly exposed to water around front wheel, though our design is fully water resistant.

Spend plenty of time offering up the Bullets to side of your bike, the place of fitting should be fairly flat and allow the Bullets to face forwards. The LEDs have a very wide viewing angle; however they will still look good even at an angle. Avoid areas with decals / stickers / transfers to avoid risk of damaging your bodywork.

While deciding on a location of the Bullets also think about the routing of the wires. The wires should not pass over or near the engine to avoid it melting ,or near moving parts of handlebars etc. The route will follow up towards the headlight area of bike where it will get its power.

2. Once a location has been decided on it?s time to mount the Bullets.

We?d suggest you cut out and use the small template supplied on this guide then drill (or even melt with a small soldering iron) a small hole just big enough to take the wire. Ensure the hole is nice and flush to the surface of fairing with no burrs which would stop a nice snug fit of the Bullets. Think twice (even 3 times), then drill, nothing worse than a tiny hole in your fairing and then finding out it won?t fit.

After both mounting holes have been prepared clean the areas where you are going to mount to ensure the area is dirt / grease free.

3. Now thread the wire through the hole until it?s almost all of the way through. Carefully remove the green film over base of the Bullet to reveal the adhesive and carefully push the Bullet into its final position, the hole you drilled and wire will help guide it ?home?. Spend time on this to ensure you get it right first time; the pad is VERY sticky and doesn?t take kindly to repositioning. 

Once the Bullet is in its position push down on the Bullet for approx 2mins (being careful not to push over your bike, that is bad). Full strength is reached in approx 24hrs.

Though the tape is very strong and entirely water proof it can be easily peeled off should you want to remove the Bullet

4. Prepare yourself for the wiring with a cold beer, or if you?re really not up to it a friend who ?does electrics?.

After the Bullets are mounted it?s now time to decide on a power source. We suggest you wire into the electrical feed for your side / running lights or as a second source use your headlight, this way they only draw power when your bike and lights are on.

The easiest place to make the connection (or splice) is generally right up inside your fairing by the headlights, though there are plenty of places you could get a feed.

Locate the wires feeding your sidelights, and run your Bullet wires to this point spending plenty of time ensuring they to not encroach on the bikes steering etc. Usually there is plenty of room inside your fairing for this but follow other wires where possible and use the supplied cable ties where needed.

Splice into the existing feed, the white striped Bullet wire is positive; the Bullet won?t light up if wired the wrong way around. The very best connection would be to strip back the insulation on the sidelight loom wires and solder, but there are many different methods of joining wires available including snap on splicers available from large motoring shops.

5. Now turn on your bikes lights and the Bullets should light. At this point just give each Bullet a little firm push to ensure they are firmly on and also triple check your wire routings are ok, away from moving bike parts and clear of the engine and other hot parts.

6. Reward yourself with a 3rd cold beer and enjoy being seen by other road users and the improved looks of your bike.

Technical Specs:
Supply Voltage: 12vDC
Operating Current: <20mA per Bullet or 0.02 Amps
Power Rating: 0.25 Watts
Light Output: >60 Lumens
Life Expectancy: >50,000Hrs

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